Monday, July 19, 2010

Update - July 19th

It has been awhile since my last entry. I think I was just burnt out and too tired and overwhelmed with life… ever feel that way? When you probably need friends and fellowship the most, you just shut the world out and try to ride the storm out.

On the bright side, a lot of good things are happening. Xavier got the opportunity to volunteer at Keswick in Massachusetts for the month and we will be going to get him and Jayden this weekend. Keswick is near and dear to our hearts. Marc’s sister, Amanda, used to go to that camp and then after her passing Marc had the opportunity to work there for a few years. A lot of our nieces and nephews have gone to the camp over the years and now our kids have been blessed to be able to attend retreats and camps, which is a miracle. The camp reached out to our kids in times of need and waved fees to ensure they could attend. I don’t know who gives the funds for these scholarships, but we have been very blessed and grateful. This year we definitely did not have the funds but somehow God made a way for Jayden to be there for two weeks. I pray this time has been life changing and exciting for them both.

Zaachi is in his first day of yet another CHEMO week. We will be here till Sat. morning and then we will be back for our final CHEMO week August the 23rd. It appears we will be done with treatment, which feels like “all is well”. Medically, “All is not well” they tell us he still has a far less than 5% chance of making it through, because the cancer typically comes back, however if there is 1% chance, there is still hope. We are going to embrace the life we have and hope and pray that he never has to face this again. I know “God has his hand on this little guy, he is his child, HE always has been.” I will put my trust in him.

My tummy is starting to firm up with the growth our 5th child. Oh, sometimes I feel like it still has not yet sunk in that I am pregnant. I am in my 13th week now. There are still fears that linger in the back of my mind that I must frequently fight, fears of getting my hopes up. But just like Zaachi I have to lay the situation at God’s feet and trust. I go on the 28th to hear the heart beat and I am sure I will feel more at ease after that.

Last week when we dropped Jayden off at Keswick, we stayed with our dear friends, Scott and Martha. I always feel like my brain turns into a sponge when I am there. They are both so good with finance and organization, it inspires me. I observe their methods of saving money and listen for words of wisdom. They are wise over the small things and it makes a big difference. They hang their clothes on the line, have a wood stove, coupon/sale/rebate shop. They are amazing. They pampered us while we were there. One morning Martha and I had pedicures together and it felt so good, I could almost hear the angels sing. Lol! Then that evening I got in their Jacuzzi and soaked for over an hour while finishing a good book. I felt the most relaxed that I felt in a long time. We then went to hang out with friends and family in CT and had a wonderful time. We even brought our nephew home with us till we go back. He is 19 and as geeky as his Uncle Marc. They have had a great time this week, playing board games and playing Frisbee golf. Marc and I will be sad to see him go. He is also really good with kids, Maggie and Zaachi have really enjoyed him as well.

Marc is in the midst of cleaning out our basement today. We had some water in the basement that was causing an odor and mold probably, so he moved things out and put Clorox water on the floors to ensure that nothing was growing. We will be having a yard sale soon! Got to get ride of some of this stuff and simplify life! I am ready to get organized and ready for routine again. Routine went rite out the window when we discovered his cancer again. I miss it and am really excited to get back to normal. We are trying to get Maggie into Head Start for the fall. She has been asking to go to school all summer and I think she is ready and would love it. Plus, when the baby comes, if she is in school the transition will probably easier for her.

Marc is only scheduled for part time work in the fall, but there is a possibility that the funding may come in for full time, which would be perfect. God has always provided what we NEED. I will trust that he again will come through with work for Marc.

So, if anyone would like to visit Zaachi this week we are at LVH on the 4th floor, B wing, room 18.

Thanks for all your prayers and support!

Choosing to trust and obey,
